Step by Step to disable the Start Menu and Ctrl-Alt-Del

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Step by Step to disable the Start Menu and Ctrl-Alt-Del

Post by Scott »

Here are the instructions to hide the Start Menu and disable the Ctrl-Alt-Del buttons.

Hiding the Start Button.

1. Download HideGUI.

2. Unzip the HideGUI archive to a folder.
... For this example I am going to use C:\PWB.

3. Edit the HideGUI INI file that is in the C:\PWB folder to meet your needs.
... For hiding the Start Button, set [GUI]HideStartButton=True.
... Make sure you set the [Password]Password= so you can exit HideGUI if you need to.
... If you hide the Tasktray, ensure the [General]EnableOverrides=True.

4. Run HideGUI by double clicking it.
... Ensure you have the desired settings for HideGUI.

5. Exit HideGUI.
... Double click the System tray icon and enter password.
... Hit Ctrl-F12, the HideGUI overrides keys.

6. Open the Registry Editor, REGEDIT.
... Drill down to

7. Create a new String Value.
... Call it HideGUI

8. Edit the string value by double clicking it.
... In the dialog, type the path to the HideGUI.exe.
... In our example it is "C:\PWB\HideGUI.exe".

9. Click Ok to save the String value data.

10. Ensure the path to the HideGUI.exe is correctly listed in the Registry Editor.

11. Close the Registry Editor.

This will tell Windows to run HideGUI with your settings when Windows is logged onto.

Disabling Windows Security (Ctrl-Alt-Del) dialog buttons local computer.

1. Run "GPEdit.msc" from the Start button Run menu item.

2. In the Group Policy drill down to "User Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Ctrl+Alt+Del Options".

3. Enable the policy to disable the button.
... "Remove Task Manager"
... "Remove Lock Computer".
... "Remove Change Password".
... "Remove Logoff".

Disabling Windows Security (Ctrl-Alt-Del) dialog buttons from remote computer.

1. Run "MMC" from the Start button Run menu item.

2. From Console File menu, choose Add\Remove Snap-in.

3. Click Add button.

4. Choose Group Policy.

5. Click Add button.

6. Set "Group Policy Object:" to remote computer.
... Click the Browse button.
... Click the "Computers" tab.
... Click "Another Computer:" radio button.
... Type in name of computer or browse to computer.
... Click Ok.

7. Click the Finish button.

8. Close Snap-in dialog.

9. Click Ok on Add\Remove dialog.

10. Local Computer Group Policy Window should now be in the MMC Window.

11. See the steps to for local computer.
Last edited by Scott on Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:01 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by Scott »

Starting PWB when Windows starts from Run key

1. Open the Registry Editor, REGEDIT.
... Drill down to

2. Create a new String Value.
... Call it PWB

3. Edit the string value by double clicking it.
... In the dialog, type the path to the PWB.exe.
... In our example it is "C:\PWB\PWB.exe".

4. Click Ok to save the String value data.

6. Ensure the path to the PWB.exe is correctly listed in the Registry Editor.

7. Close the Registry Editor.

You can also use this technique to start a batch file that will run both HideGUI and PWB giving the look of PWB running as the Windows shell.

Sample batch file.

REM Echo off

REM Start HideGUI and do not wait to exit

REM Exit
Last edited by Scott on Thu Jan 03, 2008 2:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Scott »

You can use the batch file technique to lock down a specific user on the computer with a few simple modifications to the batch file.

REM turn the echo off and clear the screen

REM Check for user and lock down
IF %username% == summer GOTO LockDown

REM No lock down
ECHO You are free to go.
START RegSvr32 /s /u C:\PWB\ManageIE.dll

ECHO Locking you down
START RegSvr32 /s C:\PWB\ManageIE.dll

ECHO Have fun.

This is a simple batch file and you can do more or less with it. The user name is "summer", this should be changed to the user name you want to lock down. Use this batch file in the RUN key of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE instead of PWB.exe and HideGUI.exe. The batch file will only lockdown the user "summer".

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Post by fab »

I just have one question regarding the following line of code in the last post's bat file

START RegSvr32 /s /u C:\PWB\ManageIE.dll

I'm just using PWB so I'm wondering, is the ManageIE.dll a part of the current version of PWB and if so where can I find it? I did a typical install and PWB.exe is currently in c:\program files\TeamSoftware Solutions\public WebBrowser v2\ and do not see a ManageIE.dll in that directory

As well what exectly does this line of code do?

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Post by Scott »

ManageIE is a free Internet Explorer Browser Helper Object (BHO) that closes IE when it attempts to access a web site, that is available from our download page. It is not part of PWB, but is a good companion to it.


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Post by Scott »

When setting PWB up in this manner you should have [Security]RestartOnClose=True, or use the AutoRestart application avilable on our download page to have PWB restart if it is closed.


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Post by Scott »

Sample batch and registry import files to run HideGUI and PWB from the Windows Registry when logging onto Windows. ...

ManageIE can easily be added to the sample batch file.


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Post by Scott »

New in PWB v2.11 is the secure mode.


The secure mode opens PWB in an alternate Windows Desktop preventing access to the Start Menu, Desktop, and Taskbar. This mode can be used as a simple alternative to using HideGUI.


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