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HomePage reverts to previous URL

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 11:56 am
by danm

Recently, I changed the HomePage of one of our online public access computers from our library's website home page ( to our Winter Reading Program page ( Starting about two days ago, I noticed this OPAC computer would boot up and display our library website home page. I have gone into the PWB.ini and PWB.txt files to find each "HomePage" line showing our library's home page URL. I change the "HomePage" lines back to our Winter Reading Program URL and reboot the machine. From there, it displays the desired URL. However, when the machine powers down for the evening, then powers up the next day, the library home page URL is back and that URL is displayed again in the .ini and .txt files.

Looking over Public Web Browser documentation on hand and the PWB forum, I am not seeing an answer to my scenario. Admittedly, this feels like a rookie question.

How can I ensure that when the machine reboots and powers up the next day, the desired URL stays up?

Thank you

Dan Moenning
Library Technology Specialist
Keene Memorial Library
Fremont, Nebraska

Re: HomePage reverts to previous URL

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 3:52 pm
by Scott
Are you using DeepFreeze or an application similar to it that resets the hard drive after a reboot on the device running PWB?


Re: HomePage reverts to previous URL

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 2:57 pm
by danm
To my knowledge:
  • DeepFreeze is equipped on all our online public access computers
  • Per City IT Department instruction, I use DeepFreeze to thaw the computer for changes (e.g. changing the HomePage).
  • The City IT Department set up an automatic evening shutdown and morning reboot of our OPAC computers. I am unsure if they use DeepFreeze for this, but I can ask.
I noticed something new with this scenario. In the mornings, the impacted OPAC computer sometimes correctly displays our Winter Reading Program home page. Other times, the original issue of reverting back to our library home page happens.

Thanks for reaching out. I am grateful for any insight you can provide

Re: HomePage reverts to previous URL

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2022 1:31 pm
by Scott
PWB reads a single configuration file (INI) when it starts and this INI file has the home page specified. Normally this is the file name "PWB.ini" located in the same folder as the PWB application file.

However it is possible to start PWB with an alternate INI file by specifying an alternate INI file on the command line that starts PWB.

For example:
C:\PWB\PWB.exe /INI=\\server\share\folder\different.ini

This will start PWB with the "different.ini" file located on the server.

Check how PWB is being started to see if there is an alternate INI file specified.

How to find the PWB INI file:

There is an issue on Windows versions greater than Windows Vista with PWB located on the "Program Files" folder. The "Program Files" folder is not directly editable.

More information on "Program Files" folder:


Re: HomePage reverts to previous URL

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 9:56 am
by danm
Hello Scott,

I must apologize for the delay in response. And I greatly thank you for your insights. Based on your recommendations, these are the steps I have taken:
  • I verified that PWB.exe uses the PWB.ini also in the path C:/PWB. I was unable to view "Shortcut" inside PWB.exe properties, so I confirmed by testing out URLs in the "HomePage=" command line
  • When the Home Page URL reverts to our library home page, I re-enter the for our Winter Reading Program. I have edited and saved the PWB.ini file both inside the PWB folder and using the copy PWB.ini to desktop -> edit PWB.ini file -> copy PWB.ini file back to PWB folder.
Results have been the same. Either the machine will auto boot up with the correct reading program URL, or it will revert back to our library home page. I plan to reach out to our City IT department to ask details on machine auto reboot. Is there anything else I should do prior to reaching out to IT?

NOTE: I was going to mention the machine still has older PWB files inside a "PWB_OLD" folder. However, I do not believe this has bearing on my scenario. Looking at .ini files inside this PWB_OLD folder, I have not seen any of the Home Page URLs triggered.


Re: HomePage reverts to previous URL

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 11:30 am
by Scott
It does seem to be a DeepFreeze issue since the home page stays in the INI file until the computer is rebooted, at which point DeepFreeze would revert the INI file back to the version with the other home page.


Re: HomePage reverts to previous URL

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2022 11:06 am
by Scott
It is possible to use a shared INI file from a network location to avoid issues with Deep Freeze by supplying an INI file on the command line that starts PWB.

For example:
C:\PWB\PWB.exe /INI=\\server\share\folder\shared.INI

The above tells PWB to use the "shared.INI" file located on the server. Not only does this avoid issues with Deep Freeze it also allows for easy updates to the INI file as it can be shared by multiple instances of PWB.


Re: HomePage reverts to previous URL

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 9:40 am
by danm
Hi Scott,

I reached out to our City's IT Department. They gave me instructions on thawing DeepFreeze in order to apply changes to the PWB.ini file. I have tried it and it was successful.

Thank you for your assistance.