PWB v2.10.8 Released

TeamSoftware Solutions Announcements.

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PWB v2.10.8 Released

Post by Scott »

PWB v2.10.8 has been released and contains the following changes or fixes.

Version 2.10.8 12-21-2009


Fixed Sizing issue.
Fixed javascript:void(0); navigation.
Fixed custom icons in Shellbar with space in path.
Fixed Shellbar can now use UNC path.
Fixed [SecondWindow] OpenInParentWindow bug.
Fixed JavaScript errors on web site to continue running scripts.
Changed internal message conflicting with web site add-on.
Changed [HTMLError] codes to include %URL% macro. Example: 2148270085=
Changed [HTMLError] codes to include %SEARCH% macro. Example: 2148270085=
Pushes browser edges after document complete.

Added (Hidden until version 2.11):

Added [Browser] HideCursor=False Hides Windows cursor in PWB.
Added [Browser] MaximizeOnNonSizable=False Maximizes window when page sets non-resizable.
Added [Browser] ExitPage= Sets exit page URL PWB navigates to when exiting.
Added [Browser] ShowSearchBar=False Shows search bar.
Added [Browser] SearchBarText= Text for search bar.
Added [Browser] SearchBarPage= URL for search text. Use %SEARCH% Marco in URL for text.
Added [Browser] DownloadShellbarIconFiles=False Downloads FAVICON from web site for Shellbar.
Added [Browser] IEBrowserEmulation=7000 Enables IE8 Browser Emulation mode.
Added [Browser] DisableImageSizing=False Disables image resizing when image file is bigger then window.
Added [Browser] SecureMode=False Starts PWB in an alternate Windows Desktop.
Added [Browser] StatusBarTimeFormat=%d-%b-%Y %I:%M %p Sets status bar time and date format
Added [Browser] StatusBarTimeWidth=120 Status bar time slot width
Added [Browser] DisableScriptDebugging=True Automatically disables IE Script debugging.
Added [Printer] AddSystemMenuPrint=False Adds File...Print to the System menu.
Added [Java] JavaClose= Closes PWB with bypass for disable exit and restart on close.
Added [Java] JavaStartApp= Starts application in new process.
Added [Java] JavaSetActivity= Sets activity timer time.
Added [Java] JavaGetActivity= Gets activity timer time.
Added [Files] ExecuteOnDenyAccess= Executes application with URL (%1), and access string (%2) as arguments.
Added [Files] ExecuteFilterFile= Filter file for CheckExecuteAccess execute on deny access.
Added [Security] CheckExecuteAccess=False Checks URL access and executes application.
Added [Security] PreventFileDownload=False Prevents non-active files from downloading.
Added [Security] EnableAlternateOverrideKeys=False Enables Ctrl+F4 to open override dialog.
Added [Security] LogDeniedAccess=False Logs denied access URL.
Added [SecondWindow] ForceToFront=False Forces all child windows to front if main window has focus.
Added [SecondWindow] ShowSearchBar=False Shows search bar on pop-up windows.
Added [Toolbars] SearchBarWidth= Width of Searchbar.
Added [Toolbars] SearchBarBreak=False Show Searchbar on new line.
Added [Toolbars] SearchBarGripper=True Show gripper on Searchbar.
Added [Files]LastGoodURLFile= If set to file path PWB will write last "good" url to the file.
Added [Buttons] Zoom=True Enables Zoom button.
Added [MenuItems] ViewZoom=True Enables Zoom menu
Added [MenuItems] ViewZoomIncrease=True Enables Zoom Increase.
Added [MenuItems] ViewZoomDecrease=True Enables Zoom Decrease.
Added [MenuItems] ViewZoomLarge=True Enables Zoom Large (200%).
Added [MenuItems] ViewZoomNormal=True Enables Zoom Normal (100%).
Added [MenuItems] ViewZoomSmall=True Enables Zoom Small (50%).
Added [MenuItems] ViewZoomCustom=True Enables Zoom Custom.
Added [HighLight] EnableHighLight=True Enables highlighting.
Added [HighLight] ISBNFontAttributes= Font attribute for ISBN highlighting.
Added [HighLight] ISBNLinkAttributes= Link attribute for ISBN highlighting (use %ISBN% macro).
Added [HighLight] ISBNTitleAttributes= Title attribute for ISBN highlighting.
Added [HighLight] SearchFontAttributes= Search attributes for search highlighting.
Added [Dialogs] MessageTop= Sets message dialog top
Added [Dialogs] MessageLeft= Sets message dialog left
Added [Inactivity] InactivityStartScript= Script to run when timer starts

