Print Management?

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Print Management?

Post by tsaman »


Our department has only a few computers with little need to print. However, when they do want to print they want to avoid wastage. Does anyone have a good way to keep the kids from printing 50 copies of Britney Spear's picture while allowing them to print a page or two?

Is it possible to create a printer on a staff station that is paused and then let the staff member bring it up, select the print job and unpause it? Can you think of a better way to manage this aside from spending $4K on a coinbox and UNIPRINT licenses?

Michael J. Dargan
Technical Systems Administrator
Waterloo and Cedar Falls Public Libraries

Posts: 153
Joined: Fri Dec 27, 2002 9:11 am

Post by spragers »

A year or so ago I personally had looked into finding a way to automatically pause documents as they came in to the print queue. I never found a way. Apart from always having the printer paused, the way you suggested, or spending $$ on a software package that would be overkill in your situation, I don't know of any other way.

- Ben

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