PWB 1.2.7 doesn't browse for several min after server reboot

For general issues related to PWB v1.

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PWB 1.2.7 doesn't browse for several min after server reboot

Post by marsmith »

Running PWB 1.2.7 on a terminal server, with about 40 stations logging in via terminal services. Whenever we reboot the terminal server, the PWB browser doesn't browse for several minutes -- you can't surf anywhere. The server is working fine, responds to pings and can ping out; Netscape browses fine. After 5-8 minutes, the PWB browser starts working. Wierd. Any ideas? Nothing of note in event viewer.

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Post by Scott »

Try shutting off any PWB filters you may be using and see if this fixes the problem.

Also note there are newer versions of PWB available, v1.28 and v2.


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PWB 1.2.7 doesn't browse for several min after server reboot

Post by marsmith »

Got your message, trying 1.2.8, is there any easy way to migrate the old ini files? Seems to give an error message when I point to them (they were all located in a different directory) Thanks

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Post by marsmith »

Also, now that I've installed 1.2.8, pwb works fine when logged in locally (even running our old ini files), but crashes and closes when run from a terminal session (was working fine for over a year now on 1.2.7). In drwatson log: publicbrowser.exe is generating Exception number: c0000005 (access violation). I can send you the state dump for this error if you think you could help, school starts Monday, any help is appreciated.

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Post by Scott »

The access violation is usually due to PWB trying to access a file it does not have access to or can not find. Make sure you are using full paths for all the files in the files section, and the account logged onto the terminal server has access to the files as well.

<shameless plug>

PWB v2 works great on terminal severs.

</shameless plug>


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Post by marsmith »

Thanks Scott -- messed around with the perms, it didn't solve it at first but it got me thinking: occasionally I have had corrupted user profiles cause me permissions problems. I deleted the user profile for the terminal user on the terminal server (properties on My Computer, User Profiles), logged in again to recreate the profile and presto, pwb started working again.

Saw your shameless plug, that was truly shameless (but understandable). What does 2.0 do on TermServ that I would like?

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Post by Scott »

PWB v2 is an all around better browser written in C++ as opposed to Visual Basic.

It is more stable, faster, has better graphics and toolbars, custom context menus, easier shell buttons and favorites, and it does not show the dreaded java script error dialog, just to name a few things.

Try it and see.

But if PWB v1 meets your needs feel free to use it.


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